someone to call

Calling someone? Back in the day, if you wanted to call someone and you didn’t have a telephone number, you could call the number information service 008. You got the telephone operators on the line who helped you look up the number. In the carousel archive above the ladies or in one of the books […]

Telephone exchange office 2010

Telephone exchange 2010 This photo shows one of the four telephone exchanges in the building around the turn of the century. With this exchange, telephone traffic between other exchanges, including those of the other telephone providers, was processed. The exchange was previously included in the national telephone traffic network. Other exchanges in the building processed […]

History of Post Office “De Neude”

History of this building In this bicycle shed, there are various information panels that show how this building was used in the past. It shows what was needed to provide a large part of the Netherlands with telephone and internet. At the place where the library is now, many telephone operators used to connect telephone […]

Telephony equipment in the old post office

Telephony equipment in the old post office After this building was completed in 1924, all the services of the PTT (Post Telegraaf and Telephone) were successively moved in. In 1926, telephony services started in this building with 4400 customers from the city of Utrecht who were connected to a new automatic exchange. These connections used […]

On the bank of the Rhine

On the bank of the Rhine Here two arms of the Rhine come together again. The river ‘De Mare’, now  filled in, flowed into the Rhine from the north. A little further west De Vliet flowed in to the Rhine from the south. So this was literally a junction of waterways. It’s not surprising that […]

Historical Utrecht

Roman period and early Middle Ages In 47 AD. the Romans founded a border fortress of wood and earth on the Rhine: ‘Trajectum’. Civilians lived east and west to the border, and they provided the soldiers from the fortress with what they needed. In about 200 AD. the fort was built in stone. Sixty years […]

Workhouse Gate

The in 1602 constructed renaissance gate gave access to the workhouse founded by Evert van de Poll ‘for the ones who prefer to earn their living through labour than with empty begging’. The workhouse was abolished in the 18th century and rented out for various purposes.

Agnites’ Monastery

The monastery, which was founded in 1420, got around 1515 a new double chapel along the street. In 1674 it became a children’s home for city crafmanship, after which it became a barracks in 1830. During the renovations for the Central Museum in 1919, the chapel and main wing remained in existence, built on a […]

The Little Meat House

Built in 1443 as one of the city’s public slaughter houses. Before 1433 the slaughter house was located next to the current town hall. The butcher’s guild, however, was abolished because its members meddled too much in the city’s politics. Only in 1443 new slaughterhouses were opened, namely here and in the Voorstraat. The Little […]

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