Maria corner 4, 5 and 6

Maria corner 4, 5 and 6 Dutch general medical practice has historically been closely linked to the Mariahoek. The dutch medical practice society (NHG) and the dutch general practitioner institute (NHI) established themselves at Mariahoek 4 (and 5) in 1965 with an official opening by HRH Princess Beatrix on April 22, 1965. The NHG and […]

Route Rotsoord no. 7 – Staatsen

In 1879 on Rotsoord no. 13, Mr. A. Staatsen started a bleaching shop and a washing and drying house called De Vlijt. After a while he moved to no. 24. In 1900 the building complex included a steam washing shop, drying halls, bleach fields, a soap works and a storage for wagons. The new “drying house” counted […]

Route Rotsoord no. 6 – UMS

The furniture and chairs factory UMS by F. Loeb on the Oosterkade was in dire need of an expansion. He bought the bankrupt Holland company in 1918 en expanded it gradually in the years to come. They chose the best wood for their product in Eastern Europe and they worked with a unique drying procedure. […]

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