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Watertower – Route Rotsoord nr. 4

The Water tower In 1907, Southern Utrecht was also enriched with a water tower. Via free fall,  high quality soft drinking water from the Soesterberg heath was provided. As a result, public health progressed with large steps. The photo shows the steam pile driver: absolutely necessary for such a weighty tower (1 million liters of […]

Altar of the goddess Viradecdis

Latijn: Deae viradecdi cives Tungri et Nautae q vi sectionne consistunt v.s.m.l. Explanation: To the goddess Viradecdis, the citizens of Tongeren en the shippers who live on the Vecht have repaid their debts, readily and willingly. Votum Solverunt Libentus Merito This is the Votum Solverunt Libentus Merito that would be erected as an altar to […]

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