Game of Malie on the Maliebaan
In 1637, the Maliebaan was built for playing the malie or paille-maille game. In the 17th century, this golf game was widely practiced. With the malie – a wooden stick with an iron end – a ball was hit through an arc.
The malies were rented out by the malie master who managed the track from the former inn ‘t Gulde Vlies – later Het Maliehuis, Maliesingel 28a.
At the beginning of the Maliebaan, a large fence was placed to separate the former Singel or Stadscingel – now Mallesingel.
This post is a replica of the upright that was part of that fence. During construction, eight rows of trees were planted along the “baan” to turn the Maliebaan into a leafy walking area.
After the Maliebaan fell into disuse as a playground in the 18th century, the “baan” increasingly acquired the function of a traffic road. In the 19th century, the Maliebaan changed into a residential avenue with stately mansions. Two rows of trees disappeared for the construction of those houses.