Roman Habitation

Close to the 19th century fortress of Vechten, the Roman Castellum (Fortress Fectio) was located here in the period around 0 – 275 A.D.. The Castellum was located next to the Old Rhine (Oude Rijn) and has served many purposes, such as a base during the Roman campaigns. The presence of Roman soldiers attracted traders […]

Vechten’s Stone

Vechten’s Stone is made out of limestone, 84 cm high and has simpel decorations of trees on the flanks. The back is heavily damaged. On the left side of the front end a part of the stone is missing, causing some of the letters of the Latin text to be missed. The original limestone altar […]

Altar of the goddess Viradecdis

Latijn: Deae viradecdi cives Tungri et Nautae q vi sectionne consistunt v.s.m.l. Explanation: To the goddess Viradecdis, the citizens of Tongeren en the shippers who live on the Vecht have repaid their debts, readily and willingly. Votum Solverunt Libentus Merito This is the Votum Solverunt Libentus Merito that would be erected as an altar to […]

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