The Little Meat House

Built in 1443 as one of the city’s public slaughter houses. Before 1433 the slaughter house was located next to the current town hall. The butcher’s guild, however, was abolished because its members meddled too much in the city’s politics. Only in 1443 new slaughterhouses were opened, namely here and in the Voorstraat. The Little […]

Abraham Dole Monastery

Founded in 1412 and dedicated to Saint Ursula and the Eleven Thousand Virgins. The original chapel , which was transformed into the Lutherian Church in 1744, still exists, as do the cellars of the main building, which was located at the current location of the school building.

Lutherian Church

Lutherian Church Behind the facade, which was designed by Jan Cloppenburg in 1743, lies the originally early 15th-century chapel of the Abraham Dole Monastery. After 1580, the chapel was used, among other things, as an anatomy lecture hall and as a fencing school. In 1743 he was sold to the Lutherian municipality. To get a […]

Tower “The Horse”

Tower “The Horse” Around 1600, Utrecht had an impressive outer city canal with thick defensive walls, towers and strongholds. The striking strongholds of Zonnenburg, Manenburg and Sterrenburg on the south side of the city have been preserved. In addition to the strongholds, defense towers were built in that period, which were named after animals, such […]


The Utrecht canals are an important habitat for bats. In recent years, these valuable animals have increasingly been given the attention and protection they deserve. Bats still too often lose their winter habitats during restorations because cellars are heated. On the other side, in the quay wall, pits and other hollow structures have been made […]

Gamma lantern (Gammalantaarn)

On May 27, 1977, the Mayor and Aldermen decided to set up the ‘Work Staff for Public Lighting in the Inner City’. In the years that followed, the Staff ensured that public lighting was installed which adapted to the atmosphere of the city center. Engineer A.D.M. van Tilburg, head of Public Lighting in Utrecht from […]

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