Ecumenical Road Church Blauwkapel

This monumental church was built around 1550. It is the smallest Gothic cruciform church in the Netherlands, 22 m long and 5.5 / 11.5 m wide. The tower is 17m high. During the Reformation in 1579, the Roman Catholic family chapel was assigned to the Protestants. The story goes that in 1588 the Roman Catholic […]

Hollandse Waterlinie, Fort Blauwkapel

Hollandse Waterlinie, Fort Blauwkapel Built in 1818-1821 around the village of Blauwe Kapel. Around 1850 and modified between 1873 and 1883. To the city side is a bombproof guard house. Intended as a ‘reduit’, that is to say it served as the last point of defense for the closure of the Utrecht-Hilversum road, the Gageldijk, […]

Route Rotsoord, no. 2: Trip

The Trip Due to the transport of raw materials and finished products, the Vaartse Rijn was ideal for the establishment of large and small industries in the 16th and 17th centuries. In 1820 Mr. L. Robert sold his shipbuilder’s yard “De Verloren Zoon” and the house with “erve” on the slope to H. Trip, a […]

Route Rotsoord, no. 1: Helling

Helling The name Helling is derived from the various shipyards that let barges run off the slope here between 1600 and 1850 or pulled up the slope for repairs. The Helling was the often difficult road or land to all the activity on the east side of the Vaartse Rijn. Between 1400 and 1700 in […]


The Juliana brigde In the 1920s, the new Hoograven district was built on the municipal territory of Jutphaas (now Nieuwegein) against the border with Utrecht, formed here by the Vaartsche Rijn. The movement of goods and people between Rivierenwijk and Hoograven has traditionally been largely done with overhaul boats. The construction of a new bridge […]

Route Rotsoord, no 8. Rotsoort

The namesake of Rotsoort is the family Van Oort, who had their De naam is ontleend aan de familie Van Oort die hun buitenplaats uit 1702 (het zuidelijk gedeelte van het terrein van de huidige Pastoe) had gedecoreerd met blauwzwarte (door te grote hitte in de oven gesmolten en daardoor onverkoopbare) steen. Het octrooi en […]

Route Rotsoord no. 7 – Staatsen

In 1879 on Rotsoord no. 13, Mr. A. Staatsen started a bleaching shop and a washing and drying house called De Vlijt. After a while he moved to no. 24. In 1900 the building complex included a steam washing shop, drying halls, bleach fields, a soap works and a storage for wagons. The new “drying house” counted […]

Route Rotsoord no. 6 – UMS

The furniture and chairs factory UMS by F. Loeb on the Oosterkade was in dire need of an expansion. He bought the bankrupt Holland company in 1918 en expanded it gradually in the years to come. They chose the best wood for their product in Eastern Europe and they worked with a unique drying procedure. […]

Vision trees on the Neude

The Neude with more trees, as a place to meet in the historic city center, creates for a pleasant appearance, more ambiance and a nice environment for residents, visitors, events and the bars and cafés. The Neude will gradually transform into a meeting place with more trees, based on the exploitation of the square and […]

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